Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lost In The Forest

I told joe to stop and don't move. This is what happens when people listen :).
There is very little editing, I tried to make the area around joe a little darker since people had trouble seeing him in the original shot. I'll post that one too:

Now, it doesnt look like that much of a difference, but since I've pointed him out, you can obviously see him now. Anyways, this'l be my last post for the night, since its like 2:30 A.M. where I am, but hell, no ones reading this, right :P?

SHIT!!! I just realised I can keep my originals the same size, now the ones on the site cant grow as big as they are :(. Well, sacrifices I guess. They are okay now that I think about it, It just ticks me off since I spent a good 15 minutes making new tiny pics. In the long run, I guess this will just make things easier :).


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